The Wizenoze widget library

Adding content to your platform is now as easy as 1-2-3

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Embed the curated content into your platform​

Simply put, just copy and paste the results from your account directly into your platform in a couple of clicks. No coding, no fuss and in no time at all.

At a glance

No technical knowledge required​
Integration in two easy steps: copy the embed code and insert it into a learning platform​
Seamless integration​
Always available and maintained​
Easily updated

How it works

Wizenoze Widgets enables rapid integration of the Wizenoze solution into the learning platforms. Widgets are easy to use by anyone and no development is needed on the customer side.​
1. Account activation
Configuration and activation of the customer account and users
  • Wizenoze creates your account and adds users
  • Send us your platform URL
  • We will authorise your platform for the widget library
2. Select widget
Wizenoze Widget Library platform
  • Go to the Wizenoze Widgets Library platform
  • Find the curated content to share
  • Click on the Embed button to select the widget and the code is copied to your clipboard
3. Add widget to a platform
Customers inserts the widgets into their learning platform
  • Navigate to the learning platform
  • Insert the widget by pasting the HTML cod into a webpage
  • Or use the rich text editor to add the widget to a lesson – select the iFrame option and paste the HTML code

See it in action!

Below is an example of a result from the library embedded in our site

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