For educational platforms and publishers


Who are the users?
Primary to higher secondary school students 
How it works
KGtoPG uses the Wizenoze offering to supplement the online version of the NCERT textbook (CBSE) with relevant curated video content

About the customer

KGtoPG's mission is to empower the Students, Educators and Educational institutions with affordable e-learning facilities that can reduce the overall costs and overheads in the entire learning process. KGtoPG, provides users a personalized portal with a single sign in for all of their online programs and resources.

What are the challenges?

Students using the Schooler application can enrich their learning with access to curated content powered by Wizenoze. This content is already mapped to the respective grade and lesson. Wizenoze curated content gives students the option to learn through text and videos from globally recognized educational sources.

The Wizenoze Solution

In response to the above challenge, KGtoPG has integrated Wizenoze's API into their learning platform. The API supports them to enrich the prescribed textbooks with relevant curated video content. These videos are mapped to the topics mentioned in the eBook. Teachers can use these videos in the classroom to explain a concept. Videos break down complex topics and are considered easy to follow by Generation Z and allow students to create a real – life connection with the content they learn in class.

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