An amazing audience of 5000+ online students in India are interacting with Diane and Thijs.

An amazing audience of 5000+ online students in India are interacting with Diane and Thijs.

To an online audience of 5000+ students in India, Diane Janknegt (founder) and Thijs Westerveld (Chief Science Officer) give a lesson about AI technology.

This was a really exciting Milestone. Diane Janknegt (founder) and Thijs Westerveld (Chief Science Officer) talk about Wizenoze technology and explain the significance of AI technology. What a fantastic audience, amazing feedback and very intelligent questions were asked. It is obvious that these students have a bright future ahead of them! We are so proud to be able to help students and learners in India to empower self-learning and to help deliver digital learning for every learner, for every future. 

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